Windows Download Player Help

Whether you are just looking for a guide detailing how to use your Windows Download Player or you have an issue that you need resolving, you can find the answers here.


How To Guides.

Want to know how to interact with your player? We've created a bunch of short guides and videos to help you.


Installing Download Player is fast and simple, but we've wrote a guide to help if required.

Read our Install guide.

Upgrade Software

There may be a time you need to upgrade your version of Download Player to get new featues.

Read our Upgrade Software guide.

Patcher Permissions

Sometimes the occasional computre will require you to set the file permissions manually.

Read our Checking File Permissions guide.

Free Up Device Storage

In the odd occassion your device may appear full, this will cause issues with your player not being able to download content.

Read our device storage guide.

General Overview

Player Functionality



Having problems with your Windows Download Player? Around 95% of the issues reported to us can be easily detected and resolved on location by you. If your Windows Download Player fails to start correctly, please check the following:

  1. Can you successfully browse to and all sub domains of
  2. Is the date and time on the computer correct?
  3. Can you confirm that the PC hardware has not changed and that you only have one active network connection?
  4. Is the user account that Download Player is running under an 'administrator' or does the user has full administrative rights?
  5. Is Windows firewall switched off (or is the firewall switched on but has an exception for the Download Player)?
  6. If a proxy server is being used on the network, have the correct details been entered in the proxy settings on the Download Player?
  7. If a hardware firewall is being used on the network, has this been configured to allow the Download Player internet access?
  8. Does the Download Patcher (the initial screen with green writing on) fail to launch Download Player? If so, check that the DownloadPlayer.exe file in the install path, has the same permissions as DownloadPatch.exe and that compatibility mode and run as administrator are disabled. How do I do this?

Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions for your Windows Download Player.

Once you have installed your player, the music may not start to playback instantly. The player needs to download its media and music playback will not start until at least 10 tracks from the current playlist have been downloaded. If you have a multi-zone player, the tracks for the zones will be downloaded in order, so zone 1 should be the first to start playing its music.

Your player checks once every hour to see if a new music update has been sent to it. As soon as the player detects a new update, it will automatically download the playlists and media associated with it. You will hear the new tracks playing shortly after this time.

If you delete or uninstall the Download Player software, you can re-download the player setup file from the website and then install it again.


  • You will have to log in using your web account details to access the download section of the website
  • If you plan to uninstall your Download Player, you may want to backup your media first, so that you do not have to download it all over again.
  • The media can be found in a folder called media in the install path of the player.
  • By default the player's install path will be either c:\Program Files\DownloadPlayer\ or c:\DownloadPlayer\, but yours may be different if you chose another location whilst installing your player.

If for any reason the computer that your Download Player is running on gets turned off you can easily get your player working again. Simply turn the computer back on and your player should start playing automatically when windows loads (there is a setting in the Download Player's options that allows you to select if the player starts automatically). If once your computer has loaded, the Download Player has not automatically restarted, double click the "Download Player" icon on the desktop and the player will load.

It could be one of a number of reasons:

  • Check that the volume level of the PC is not set too low and is not set to mute.
  • Check the audio system equipment that is attached to the player to ensure that it is plugged in/connected and is working correctly. Also, ensure that multi-channel devices are connected and try a reboot.
  • If tracks are being "cut off" then the track duration may have been set up incorrectly, if this is the case, contact us to let us know and our music gurus will help you out.
  • There is also a possibility that the audio file has not been transferred correctly to your player, giving you partial playback of the track. Our Music gurus can help again, by re-sending you a music update. Contact us to let us know.

Your licence key is authenticated against an individual PC. If you change from a wired to wireless internet connection, or vice-versa, then some of your PC's settings will also change. This will cause the licence authentication to fail, as the authentication request will be seen to be coming from an unknown PC.

If you do change your internet connection in this way, we will need to know, in order to reset your licence key for you. You can request that we do this for you by emailing us at or by sending us a message requesting a licence key reset.

Ensure that the CD/DVD-ROM drive is functioning and that the activity light is lit, showing activity on the drive. Ensure that both the disc and the disc drive are clean and clear from contamination of dirt or dust. Also make sure that the hard disk on the player is not full, as this would prevent the tracks from being copied to the player.

You must be logged on with a user account that has administrator privileges on the PC for the disc to run.

The User Account Control (UAC) setting for the current user must also be turned off. You can check this by accessing the Control Panel on the PC, then navigating to the User Accounts section. From here select the "Turn User Account Control on or off" link for the current user. This will present you with a tick box that you must untick and then press OK.

Please check the following:

  • Is the date and time set correctly on the PC that the Download player is running on?
  • Can you browse (in an internet browser; such as Internet Explorer) to and see the log in page of the website. If not then please check your internet connection.
  • Has your licence expired? You can check this by logging into your account and checking in the Download section. If your player is in offline mode you get a licence that will last for 90 days. When you receive a new update (via disc) your licence is automatically renewed, giving you a further 90 days. Alternatively, if you have changed your PC and/or internet connection you will have to ask us to reset your licence key for you. To request that we do this for you get in touch requesting a licence key reset.

By default your player plays the tracks in the playlists that have been profiled to play at set times of each day. If these playlists are not automatically being selected by the player at different times of the day, for example your evening playlist is playing regardless of the time of day, it could be due to one of the following reasons:

  1. A playlist has been manually loaded
    Within the player you can manually select which playlist you want to play, for example if you wanted to play your evening playlist in the morning you can do this. In order to make the player automatically select the correct playlist for the time of day again you need to resume your timetable.
    To do this, within the Download Player, navigate to the required zone, select the "Profiles" tab towards the bottom left of the screen, then right click in the ":Live": window to the right and from the menu that appears, select the "Resume Timetable" option. After the current track finishes playing, the correct profile for the time of day will load.
  2. The system date and/or time is incorrect
    Make sure that the system date and time is set correctly. If your computer is set to 5pm even though it is actually 8am, your Download Player will load the playlist that should be on in the evening rather than the morning playlist.
  3. You profile is not correct
    If the two steps above do not solve the issue, it is possible that there is an issue with your profile. Please contact our media department by phone on 0044 (0)1246 572 996 or email us from the Contact Us/Feedback section of the website, explaining the issue and requesting that we check your profile.

This is probably due to the artist collision setting you have set. Please check in the options (click the spanner icon in the Download Player to access the options section), then under the Playlist section, you can change the artist and track collision settings. These settings prevent either the same track, or two tracks by the same artist, playing within X tracks of each other. If this is set too high, this could cause only one track to get playlisted. By lowering your artist and/or track collision settings you can amend this issue.

If you have read through our FAQs and you still cannot determine why your Download Player has stopped playing, please ensure you know the answers to the following questions and then call us on 0044 (0)1246 572 997 to resolve you issue. On the PC the Download Player is installed on:

  • Is the date and time set correctly?
  • Can you browse (in an internet browser; such as Internet Explorer) to and see the log in page of the website.
  • Has the network connection been changed (e.g. from a wired to a wireless connection), or has the network card or PC been changed?
  • Check out our full troubleshooting guide for help getting back online.

You cannot currently change your music profile yourself. Please contact your Music & Media team to request changes to your music profile.

This could be due to the artist and/or track collision settings. In the options of the Download Player (click the spanner icon in the Download Player to access), under the Playlist section, you can change the artist and track collision settings. These settings prevent either the same track, or two tracks by the same artist, playing within X tracks of each other. If this is set too high, this can cause the system to be unable to select a track that has not played within the threshold set, but by lowering your artist and/or track collision settings you could amend the issue.

Failing this, there could be an issue with the profile that you have set on your player. To resolve this problem, please contact us.

We're available with support 24/7

Our support team is available 24/7 for any questions.

Americas Download Player Contact

Los Angeles

+1 888 305 3430 (24/7 Helpline)

1351 Third Street Promenade
Suite 301
Santa Monica
CA 90401
Americas Download Player Contact


+1 888 305 3430 (24/7 Helpline)

6303 Blue Lagoon Dr
Suite 105
FL 33126
European Download Player Contact

United Kingdom

+44 (0) 1246 572 997 (24/7 Helpline)

Dunston Technology Park
Venture Way
S41 8NE, UK.
Asia Download Player Contact


+1 888 305 3430 (24/7 Helpline)

DWC Headquarters
Dubai South
PO Box 712815
Asia Download Player Contact

Hong Kong

+44 (0) 1246 572 997 (24/7 Helpline)

10th Floor
Cheung Hing Industrial Building
12P Smithfield Road
Kennedy Town
Hong Kong
Asia Download Player Contact


+44 (0) 1246 572 997 (24/7 Helpline)

7th Floor
No.150 Zunyi Road
Changning District
Shanghai, 200051

Let's curate great background music together.